Ahhhhhh, the Lovely Fruit & Nut
by John Melngailis
How good is our Baltic Rye with Fruits & Nuts?
Well, let’s just say that one of our foodie friends –a woman of tremendous discernment–is giving loafs of Baltic Rye with Fruit and Nuts as Holiday Gifts to dozens of her favorite people.
Our Baltic Rye Fruit & Nut tastes like cake, only less sweet and more satisfying. As with our plain rye, when you eat a slice you feel full and happy. And no wonder. This bread contains rye flour, rye malt, apricots, plums, hazelnuts, raisins, and honey, plus a touch of sugar and a pinch salt. Nothing else. No chemicals. No icky corn sweeteners. No preservatives. Nothing that (as Michael Pollan would say) your grandmother wouldn’t have put in her holiday bread. Enjoying Baltic Rye with Fruit and Nuts nourishes every part of you: tummy, heart and soul.
This perfect product is currently available on our website and at Zabars at 80th and Broadway and at Fairway at 74th and Broadway.
Dying for a free sample? Stop by Zabars on Sunday, November 20th [2011] between 9AM and 1PM and Black Rooster Founder John Melngailis will personally hand you a piece.