Served at the Coolest Parties
by John Melngailis
Add to the list of our fans: Occasions, the elite Washington, DC caterer. Occasions, served Black Rooster Rye to 750 Washingtonians celebrating the opening of American University’s Russian Film Festival at the magnificent Library of Congress.
Smoked salmon topping a slice of Black Rooster Rye. A few capers. Some sour cream. A tiny shot of ice cold vodka. Could any tidbit be more delicious or more festive?
Now Occasions has become our steady customer. How happy it makes us knowing that Black Rooster Rye will be served this holiday seasons at the coolest parties in our nation’s capital. How lovely that you too can serve the very best.
And thinking of holiday treats. What about Black Rooster Rye with Oysters? Rye is the bread the French serve with those briny little devils. Along with a very dry white wine.
Hmmmm. Darkness is falling early. Here in Washington, DC we are moving towards winter coat weather. In New York, where we have so many friends and customers, winter wools have moved to the front of the closet. As nature moves towards its dormant phase, it’s time dear friends to think of, what?. Not darkness. Not cold. But their antidote. Joyful occasions that will launch us into a new year. Joyful occasions that shout out for Black Rooster Rye and its sister product that we will be telling you about in the coming days.